Friday 8 January 2010

10. Eng 101

I had fun in Eng 101 whole year. It was not very hard but nor easy. The class was fun. Presentations, documentaries we read and videos we watched changed my opinion about some topics and most importantly they were not boring. Although I didn't understand why all the topics are about women being treated bad and men being bad. I hope it changes in next years because it can sometimes be boring to repeat the same thing over and over for one semester.

9. Truman Show

I watched the film after I listened a presentation on it. It was gorgeous. I liked the movie so much. I imagined that what if I was the man who lived the same life. Every day the same thing. People acting to me like they are my real friends or that they really love me. It would be awful. Jim Carrey playing the role made it more hilarious because I'm not used to seeing Jim Carrey not doing very funny and entertaining things.
In the movie there is a guy named Truman on an island isolated from the rest of the world. All the people who live with him are actors and its a reality show. If he decides to leave the island his best friend or his girlfriend stops him. All the people in the world watches him from thousand cameras in the island. Eventually he leaves the island by boat and hits the wall and relaizes that all is nothing but a stage.

8. Final Presentation

My final presentation was about the film "Boy's Don't Cry". I didn't like the movie so much because it was depressing. Brandon and friends kept drinking and smoking. Also they looked like they didn't achieve much in life because their workplace is a factory and in nightshift. Their family relationship is not good. Also John is a murderer and he is cold enough to murder his friend Candance. The movie was generally about a woman loving another woman and acting like a man. I didn't like the subject much but I had to do a presentation so I watched it. Even though I wouldn't like to keep homosexual people around me, I respect them. Every person has a right to choose and no one has a right to interfere. Its free will. Everyone should be respected for their decision. And its even can count as a courage to admit and show that you are a homosexual. This film showed me that hating is not a solution and there is no reason to hate.
Also the presentation was good. We had a lot of pictures and points about the movie. I hope we get a good grade because we really worked on the project hard.

7. A Woman on a Roof

Story is fun and it has a point. It is about some workers working on a roof. The workes see a woman sunbathing and reading a book on top of one of the roofs. They whistle to get her attention but she just looks and continues to read the book. Men become angry because she didn't care about them. The setting is England in 60's and the problem about that is women had lower status then men. It is shown by men looking from top of the roof to woman. Rooftop is the symbol of a higher status. So woman on the roof being arrogant and not looking at workers is a strange thing to happen in that time. Thats why men were angry because in that time men were socially at an upper place then women. Also there is another social status fact. Woman is much more richer according to the workers and being rich is also a social status. So it contradicts with the men being more then a woman. I was a little confused there but generally I approve women being equal with men.

6. Presentation about Marked Women

Me and my friends prepared a presentation about the document Marked women. The document is about women being marked in society and men are not. I agree with the writer. She gave many examples such as dresses of women, make up, etc. For women there are many shoes as sneakers, high heels, etc. and the list goes on. Also there are many dresses, skirts, pants, even cosmetics. But for men there are limited options of shoes, dresses. Every man wears a suit in serious places but there are many options for women. A man tried to prove the opposite in that document by saying men are marked in society. His examples were that the Y chromosome depended on X and there are animal species that are only female. Although it sounded reasonable, examples about women being marked are more proving the point. So I chose to stick with women are being marked. As I thought more on the subject I relaized that there were also things that are not marked such as jeans.
Also I think our presentation was good. We showed all the main points, counter arguments. Also the powerpoint was good. It was generally good except some small things according to me. The topic was educating and was fun.
5.The enormous radio

This story is good. I liked it. Its both realistic and fantastic in some ways and it teaches us a lesson. In this story a woman listens to their neighbors from the radio and learns about their private life. The question here is that if it is ethical or not? Also why would someone want to learn everything about someone's life. As I read the story I thought about these questions and couldn't find an exact answer because I relaized that even sometimes I wonder about someone's personal life. Curiousity makes people do. But imagining that same thing happening to you makes me think that interfering or learning about someone elses personal life is wrong. Another reason for this curiousity can be that people see their own lives and wonders how much it differs or how much of it is the same according to other people. People want to know that if they are the only one having troubles or if they are the one of the few who is happy.
4. Killing Us Softly 3

I didn't relaize that women were used that way in commercials. After I watched this video I suddenly relaized that the video was telling the truth. Women at old commercials were a little fat and looked stronger, but nowadays they are thin, young. Also they look innocent because they are trying to be sexy. By computer editing they make the perfect woman on TV and they tell women to buy the products in order to be like that woman on TV. But it is impossible because no product can trim chins, get rid of wrinkles that much, etc. It is mostly a lie and women are getting abused. In order to be thin some women even gets diseases like anorexia, blumia. I think women should stop believeing at those commercials.
3. Tough Guise

Actually this documentary was not that fun. It was educating though. It made me relaise that men really acted like they are shown on this video. It was shocking that most of the people define man as tough, strong, muscular, etc. They don't relaize that men are also people and have feelings. If you cry, if you don't look tough, etc. you are not a man according to most people. For some committing crimes is a part of being a man, which is an idea that is definately wrong. The way of thinking about how to be a man should be changed. Not all is looking tough, being strong, being remorseless. A real man should the person who achieved some important things in life, stands up for what he believes.